Sunday, 1 December 2013

A Descant of Calmness

At times life gets so messed and so muffled that you find yourself in disgust, at times you curse yourself for being wherever you are and whatever  you are doing. At that moment all you need to do is, take a deep breath and feel the silence. Soon, you'll find that a person within you who wants to laugh, dance, who says, "Dude, common you can't quit, you need to fight we'll face everything together." When life bungles itself between truth and happiness, dreams and reality, relations and academics, love and trust, the only way to choose the write one is to self introspect oneself and search for what do you want, what do you need at that instant of time and the person deep inside you will help you get through it.

The composition below is nothing but a short and a bit typical experience of  facing that inner voice which was always right but all what he lacked was the courage to accept the reality. So, like an elementary human being he kept those dreams in fact those fantasies which never existed, and to convince himself he cursed everything he had and happened around for not allowing him to get what he wanted. His desperation took him too far and when everything he did screwed him up he was all alone and silence was ruling him over he found that, all what he had is a quartet of tears in his eyes and that voice which was always screaming from behind but he never paid a heed upon it, he felt the aura of that voice that inner soul, the soul he was, the soul he had within himself and that soul which was always RIGHT.

A Talk of Peace

Standing on the verge, hopes in mind
Searching a reason for being here,
For what he tried, and this what he had,
Everywhere its drab, and a dark harsh glare
A broken dream & a Person too lost,
In the midst of his ambitions,
he never accepted the gloss

With his dreams on fire,
he never looked down,
but, when came back to reality ,
he found himself in wane,
He was good for nothing,
he felt down and ashamed,

He felt he has got nothing but bundles of broken dreams,
but there was no one to console that's what it seems,
over an age he was chasing something that never existed
in the glimpse of of past his memory rested,

a heartbreaking silence took everything over,
his soul and his mind came a bit closer,
silence of words got lost somewhere
a dim, sweet and a dominant voice made him aware,

he learned, she taught
he slept, she slapped
he tried, she provoked,
he agitated, she motivated
and soon started an allocutions,
with harmony and conciliation,

An hour or so when his tears, dried on his face,
his eyes enlightened with an almighty grace
 he learned to live,
to thank to be thankful,
to be forgiven to forgive,
to live with traits,
and to love with no regrets,
To love bad times for what they gave,
To admire moments for the fact they came,

He felt too light, he found someone
his eyes got bright, he had it all
He got new thoughts to live and let,
his aura enhanced with a divine glow
his ambiance smoothened in a flow,

That voice inside can be your heart, your conscience or your soul
but mind it, at every point of time it will make you whole,
and whatever the situation can turn to
And i'm  not faking, just take my words
A talk of peace can make your world.


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